I know a lot of businesses offer free postage and even I like it, but I felt I should explain why as a small business I don’t offer free postage.

Is free actually free?

There are many quotes saying nothing in life is free, or words to that effect, and I used to think it is nonsense but now I believe it!

The postage costs “someone” money so sometimes it is included in the cost price of the product.

Some companies that offer fast, free postage are actually charging a monthly fee, so sometimes it is more about perception.

Do I disagree with free postage?

Absolutely not! I love it! For example, if I am buying a jumper then yes I love an all-in price. But is that postage cost-free? No, just absorbed into the cost of the jumper. So in simple terms, if a jumper cost £10 and the postage £5 the seller would put it for sale at £15.

Is this wrong? No just simplified for everyone.

So why doesn’t Friends and Canines offer free postage?

I looked into it but as we sell many items in small quantities, and some customers want to just try one of everything, to put a postage charge on every item felt wrong!

I feel it is fairer to let you order what you want and pay one postage charge, whether you order one chew or ten, then it is your choice, and I can offer bulk discounts on items too, but you still receive the flat rate postage.

I am a small business

Did you know Friends and Canines is a small business?

Started by me Sarah, and is still run by me, Sarah.

I process, pack, and send your orders and do the admin, marketing, ordering, and everything else. I have a little help from a bookkeeper, a business support group, and occasionally the boyfriend or friends chip in to help pack orders.

But basically, it’s me and the pooches, and we love it. I love the personal contact I have with my customers.

I do love your stories and pictures of your dogs, I love to see your orders arriving and the unpacking! It really does make me happy and the whole reason Friends and Canines exists.

I try my best to be fair and treat customers as I would like to be treated, after all, I am that crazy dog lady!

Currently, I have 2 spaniels, 3 collies, and the boyfriend’s 2 rottweilers to keep in treats, so I am living your treat pain every day!

What do they want today? Will they be quiet while I’m on zoom today?

If you need advice on chews or treats or want to chat about your dog, WhatsApp me on 07825513611

What are your thoughts on free postage? Let me know below or message me

Or is the pooch pawing at you for a treat right now? Grab their favourites now or try something new here

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