In my latest blog, we’ll be investigating an important topic that has many dog lovers
scratching their heads – food allergies in our furry friends.

Just like us, our canine companions can be sensitive to certain foods, leading to reactions
that are uncomfortable at best and harmful at worst. Common culprits include dairy, wheat,
egg, chicken, lamb, soy, pork, and rabbit. Yep, quite the list!

And the symptoms? They range from skin itchiness, ear infections, and paw chewing to
gastrointestinal upset. Not fun for them, and certainly not fun for us to watch.

But don’t you worry, because I’ve got some natural, sniff-worthy solutions up my sleeve!

The Elimination Diet: Detective Work for Doggies

If you suspect your furry friend might be suffering from food allergies, an elimination diet is a
fantastic way to get to the bottom of it.

Start by removing all but the most basic elements from their diet – think of a single protein
source and one carbohydrate. Then, slowly reintroduce foods one at a time, keeping an eye
out for any adverse reactions. It’s a bit like playing detective, but the prize is your dog’s
health and happiness!

The Natural Treat: A Path to Relief

Here’s where we can turn the table on those pesky allergies – natural, single-ingredient
treats! By sticking to treats made from one simple, wholesome ingredient, we drastically
reduce the risk of triggering an allergic reaction.

It’s all about keeping things pure, simple, and, most importantly, scrumptious!

Dried Sole Fish: A Splash of Simplicity

Our Dried Sole Fish is just that – 100% Lemon or English Sole fish, with no additives,
preservatives, or mysterious ingredients. They’re a hit for dogs with sensitivities and perfect
for keeping those tails thumping.

Beef Biltong: 100% No Added Nasties Goodness

Beef Biltong treats are long-lasting, a single source of protein, and free from the fillers that
often cause upset in sensitive tummies, making them a great option for your champion

Sweet Potato Fries: A Veggie Delight

For veggie lovers, our Sweet Potato Fries offer a nutritious, hypoallergenic option.
They’re great for dogs with meat sensitivities and are a fantastic source of vitamins and fibre

Dealing with food allergies in dogs can be a challenge, but it’s not insurmountable. By
choosing natural, single-ingredient treats and considering an elimination diet, you can help
your dog lead a happier, itch-free life.
Remember, when in doubt, consult your vet for personalised advice tailored to your dog’s
unique needs.

With all my love and belly rubs,
Sarah ��

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