Here at Friends and Canines, we love all things natural and non-chemical including our garden and pest control and we were really excited to find out how to rid your garden with a chemical-free dog-friendly slug treatment.

Tessa from Ladybird Plantcare gives us the Lowdown on Dogs, slugs and nematodes

Are common garden slugs harmful to dogs?

The slugs themselves aren’t BUT they can carry a parasite called lungworm.  If your dog eats the slug they can become infected.  Slugs can be tiny, your dog may eat one when cleaning, playing with a toy or eating a treat.

The adult lungworm grows inside the dog and travels to live in their heart and blood vessels, they then reproduce and this is where the dog can become seriously ill.  Please speak to your vet if your dog is off colour and if you are worried about lungworm.

How can you reduce slug numbers in your garden?

There are many slug control treatments and contraptions on the market, some are dog or pet safe and others aren’t.  Some are also far more effective than others.  Chemical-based slug controls are not wildlife-friendly and dogs should not be allowed on to treated areas immediately after they have been put down.

Would you like a chemical-free slug treatment?

What chemical-free dog-friendly slug treatment is there for my garden?

Nematodes; dog safe and super effective

Lots of people ask if nematodes are safe for dogs and the answer is ABSOLUTELY!  They are 100% biological and your dog can dig and play on treated areas immediately. 

They are also extremely effective, there are up to 95% more slugs in your garden than you ever see as the vast majority live underground.  Only nematodes will reach this part of the population and stop them making their way to the surface.

What are nematodes and where do they come from?

Nematodes are microscopic eelworms and they are naturally occuring in the soil.  They are target specific, meaning that each species only has one pray.  The ones we sell are mass produced on artificial diets.  They are produced in the UK, on the south coast.

Don’t nematodes affect plants, humans, and animals?

Lots of people ask why the nematodes we sell are not harmful to plants, humans or wildlife.  There are many many species of nematode in the natural world but they are all target specific.  We sell nematodes for specific garden pests and they do not affect anything else.  By applying nematodes to you are garden you are boosting a population that is already there without upsetting the delicate ecosystem.

Read more about nematodes here …

We hope you enjoyed this blog, please let us know in the comments if you try the nematodes, or if you have any other tips and tricks for safe, chemical-free healthy dog-friendly gardens

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