Have you seen all the worrying articles about using chemicals on dogs? 😔

Do you get bit when out on walks? 🐾

Here afew of my top tips to help

Add garlic to your dogs and your food!! And yes garlic is safe for dogs, a holistic US vet has printed a study showing it would take 6 whole garlic bulbs EVERY day for a prolonged period to start to show toxicity in a 30 kg dog!!! And this is only signs not a toxic reaction. Add fresh chopped garlic, dried garlic or a dog safe remedy like Animals health or Dorwest

Feed a fresh diet, a healthy dog should attract less bugs

Minimise chemicals in the home, use pet safe floor cleaners and carpet refreshers remember they absorb through their paws and also are closer to the floor to breathe toxins in, I love odour kill by animal health and Pow Air

A natural product like diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled into the fur to discourage fleas from landing, can also be sprinkled onto carpets and soft furnishing, leave for 15 mins or as long as you can to help deter bugs in the house (make sure you buy food grade DE, available from health food shops, some raw dog food suppliers or amazon)

Add a couple of drops of organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) to the drinking water (please allow a bowl of plain water too as we don’t want them dehydrating if they don’t want it) you can also add to a spray bottle with water 3:1 to make a coat spray

Make a natural spray using essential oils, one suggestion is 50ml water, 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus, put in a spray bottle and spray your dogs coat avoiding eyes) before walks, also use on yourself! Spray cuffs of jackets and trousers hem to defer bugs

Please share your natural tips below ⬇️

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