Have you thought about making your dog’s meals more exciting?

But need some inspiration, here are just afew, please add your suggestions in the comments

Avocado, Apple

Banana, Broccoli, Berries, Blueberries

Carrots, Courgette, Coconut Oil


Eggs, raw, scrambled, etc


Garlic, Greens

Herrings, Heart

I (can’t think!!)

Just don’t know!!

Kale, Kefir, Kidney

Liver, Lung

Mushrooms, Melon, Mackerel



Pumpkin (flesh and seeds)



Salmon, Spinach, Sprouts, Squash, Sprats, Sardines, Slippery Elm,

Tumeric, Turkey, Tuna, Trout, Tripe (green)

Upside down anything above!!!


Watercress, Watermelon

Xtra yum!!!!

Yogurt (natural, unsweetened)

Zucchini (courgette)

Note: Not extensive, most fruit and veg are suitable just check if skin, seeds, etc are safe

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